0408 104 468

™ Trademark and © Copyright

Please note: all Tommy Crow artwork has © Copyright protection and ™ Trademark protection. No image or logo or name may be reproduced without written consent from Sunset Dreaming Australia.

Intellectual Property

  1. Sunset Dreaming Australia retains sole and exclusive intellectual property rights in all information, data, images, software, processes, trademarks, trade names and logos used or appearing in this Web Site.
  2. You must not store, use, copy, modify, adapt, disseminate, display or publish for any purpose the information, data, images, software, processes, trademarks, trade names and logos used or appearing in this Web Site, unless and in accordance with the express written consent of Sunset Dreaming Australia.
  3. Any information you provide to Sunset Dreaming Australia will, by implication, imply that a license has been granted to Sunset Dreaming Australia to use the information for the purpose for which it was provided.
  4. You must not use a Sunset Dreaming Australia trademark, trade name or logo:
    1. in or as the whole of your own trademark, trade name or logo;
    2. in connection with any product, service or activity unless and in accordance with the express written consent from Sunset Dreaming Australia; or
    3. in a misleading, deceptive or disparaging context.